Coming soon from Meaghan Muddy Paws

Meaghan's Miracle Medicine

Secret tips from a pet specialist on how to care best for the animal friends we love most!


Meeow!  Woof   Woof!

Big Easy Blessing While Bentley PUPPY Steals Password

It is just a typical day for Dr. Sarah Lavery saving the life of a three year old kitty with diabetes. That is her story. She saves the lives of our beloved little friends that bring such joy to our lives. Dr. Sarah Lavery is one of the very few gifted souls with such grace and noble character she glows with the goodness that radiates from deep inside her. It is Saturday morning in THE BIG EASY (Pittsburgh) hours before the animal hospitol is open after a late Friday night emergency when Dr. Sarah saved the life of GIMMI the dog.

Friday afternoon 4:15pm. Gimmi the dog can't breathe. Gimmi's veterinarian, Tomeka Smith, DMV (Doctorate of Vetinary Medicine) calls and says to get Gimmi to a hospitol immediately! Every place closes at 5pm except one that takes walk-ins till 5:30, THE BIG EASY. It is RUSH HOUR and the clock is ticking!

Gimmi the theatre dog.

Dr. Tomeka Smith saved Gimmi's life before in critical condition, Lime Disease.


Dr. Sarah Lavery waits for Gimmi past closing time and spends a few hours with him. Gimmi's throat is collapsed. He fights for air. He can't breathe.

We rush to get medicine. By the time we get back to the hotel it's 9:30pm and Gimmi is in bad shape. A rainy night in Pittsburgh. Gimmi is up all night long and the poor little guy is fighting for his life. The medicine starts to work. Little Gimmi begins to breathe.

MEANWHILE.... BENTLEY clever kitty steals the password and starts hacking into computers all over the world to get animals friends to pray for Gimmi!

Saturday morning the next day. Mark, Valerie and Dr. Sarah wait to hear how Gimmi is doing.


Bentley PUPPY is a computer expert HACKER!

So if you are in Pittsburgh and you need a miracle to save your PET PAL call the wonderful people at The Big Easy Animal Hospitol cause they are special and care!


Security cameras. You and your pet are safe!

Meanwhile, Bently keeps reaching out to PET PALS all over the world and Dr. Sarah Lavery and Dr. Tomeka Smith are saving the lives of little friends!






Dr. Sarah Lavery

Dr. Tomeka Smith