'truthspaper' is an employee owned News Journal Syndicate with no special interest groups, no hidden agendas and no funding connected to favors or access.

'truthspaper' is A Public Service.

'truthspaper' Internet News Journal focuses on positive people, places, pets and a healthy planet.


Lake Ontario Sunset

20% of the worlds drinkable water is in The Great Lakes Region


(Documentary Link)



Edward R. Murrow  Pioneer of News Television.


Jim Orman is the County Treasurer in Cayuga County, New York, in the heart of The Finger Lakes. He is a Vietnam veteran decorated for his volunteerd service of three tours of Vietnam for his work behind enemy lines doing intelligence.

Jim is outstanding in the community working with the VFW, The Knight of Columbus and The American Legion on events and functions. He is an excellent business person and has given the historical city of Auburn, NY a complete do over. He is a true leader.

Dr. Robert Howarth is a biogeochemist and ecosystem scientist. He is an active research scientist who also enjoys teaching. Robert is deeply involved in the environmental management and policy communities in the State of New York, nationally, and internationally. His training was in oceanography. Much of his research focuses on coastal marine ecosystems. Robert also works on freshwater systems (both rivers and lakes) and on large river basins. Robert W. Howarth, Ph.D. teaches a variety of courses at Cornell University.


Kerri Zane

*Emmy Award Winner

*Executive TV Producer

*Best Selling Author

*Single Mom Expert

*Iconic Entrepreneur

Susan Peterson Gately

*Book Publisher





*Great Lakes Advocate


'truthspaper' strives to publish truthful reporting like the great, noble pioneer of television news broadcasting, Edward R. Murrow. Better known as Ed Murrow, held in greatest respect in journalism, for his integrity and honesty when he delivered the news. 'truthspaper' is a Broadcast Journal Syndicate founded in The Finger Lakes Region rich in American History, Civil Rights, Education and Industry. Our goal is to create worldwide access to a network of local news and communities.
Our mission is to share many great stories from communities everywhere that until now have not had a position in main stream news media.
Our quest is for civil advancement to solve civil issues, support education and developing culture in communities. Our mission is to be the leader in truth, to deliver positive true stories.
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