Felicia Pfluger Sets Top Standard for


"Sigh no more, ladies, sigh no more. Men were decievers ever,

One foot in sea, and one on shore, To one thing constant never."

"Speak low,

if you

speak love."

"Bait the hook well. This fish will bite."

"Some of us will smart

for it."

"She speaks ponairds, and every word stabs:

If her breath were as terrible as her terminations, there were no living near her, she would infect to the North Star."

Every player in this ensemble delivered shinning moments. Their language, movement and performing skills have been developed at high levels. No weak links in this chain. Felicia Pfluger, her husband Jeffery and all who support this notable brilliant achievement in education deserve a standing ovation.

New York? NO    Los Angeles? NO    Chicago? NO but close.    LaGrange, Illinois is the hot spot for young people to develop valuable emsemble skills with the most sophisticated writer in the English Languge, William Shakespeare.

The high merit of their emsemble play is hopeful refreshing proof that young people, and how great they will make the future be if given a chance to excel, are the most important investment.

Bold, daring, clear, articulate. LATTE is a special group. The talent, ability and discipline for this age group is astonishing. Truly remarkable. A noble work.

Class Act All The Way Bravo! Bravo! Bravo! Standing O!

This most delightful theatre company decided to show up for the 400 year anniversary of William Shakespeare and leave their mark. This should be a model for the public school system.


Distinguished Leaders Receive Inaugeral EMILY HOWLAND HONOR

The magnitude of their contribution to education, the community and future generations cannot be measured. The work of Charlene Parsons and Catherine Burroughs is of the highest distinction. The legacy of these two distinguished women is defined by their total commitment to excellence. They are truly dynamic leaders. Bravo! 


Charlene Parsons                                                    Catherine Burroughs

Charlene Parsons and Catherine Burroughs contribute in so many ongoing directions it is difficult to keep up and scope the actual profound magnitude of the influence they have had on their students and the future of our global culture.

Outstanding Contirbution to Education

Charlene Parsons is a driving force in the Fashion Indusrty for over 35 years. Charlene made her debut as a runway model. Soon after she began producing fashion shows for major designers including: Christian Dior, Yves Saint Laurent, Ungaro, Emilio Pucci, Oscar de la Renta, Ellen Tracy, Carolina Herrerra, Donna Karan, Bob Mackie and more.
Renaissance Woman Catherine Burroughs has made tremendous contributions to The Finger Lakes Region. Her work at Cornell University and Wells College are just a few mentions of her legacy in education. Author of six books, maverick, leader and mom. She is involved in education at every possible level from Peachtown Elementary, a premiere institution for young people, to Cornell University. She also contributes to culture, music, theatre, and youth projects in the community. Catherine Burroughs is exemplar as a role model and a champion of literacy, education and solidarity.

"Teaching at Wells College has given me some of my happiest moments in the profession. There's a very special spirit here-forged by a true community."